Spanning the season from Thanksgiving through New Year's Eve, Knit the Season follows the now college-aged Dakota Walker as she takes a much needed break to visit her Gran in Scotland for the holidays. Dakota is at a crossroads in her life, as everything seems to be changing all at once. While she is working hard to build her future career, the members of her family and her "extended family"—the Friday Night Knitting Club—are all following new dreams that take them in different directions. As Dakota struggles to become a fully independent adult, she draws strength from stories about her late mother, Georgia, at her own life's crossroads. Through the rich collection of memories shared by her friends and family, we view the full circle of Georgia's life—as a child, a teen, a young woman in love, and a doting new mother—as well as the web of people she touched.
Knit the Season is a loving, moving, laugh-out-loud celebration, a heartwarming novel about the richness of family bonds and the joys of friendship.